June 4-8, 2017

Designing our Freshwater Futures

Human civilization relies on a sustainable supply of fresh water to satisfy our thirst, water our crops, support fisheries, provide energy, and enrich our experience of nature. We are equally reliant on freshwater ecosystems to dispose of our wastes and to transport our commodities. These needs are often in conflict with one another, and unless carefully managed may both conflict with our desire to maintain the beauty and biodiversity of rivers. Much freshwater science has focused on documenting the identity and distribution of freshwater species and their loss; how our farms, cities, dams and mines degrade the physical, chemical and biological integrity of receiving streams. As a result, we are adept at documenting the decline – research designed to identify solutions has proved more elusive.

In our Raleigh 2017 meeting, we want to challenge the SFS community to shift their focus to how freshwater science can help imagine and implement solutions to the complex set of problems that plague freshwaters. Advancing our understanding of ecological processes will continue to be important, but is insufficient to meet future challenges. At SFS 2017 we will discuss and debate compelling ideas about how freshwater scientists can individually and collectively contribute to solution pathways that improve the trajectory of freshwater ecosystems. Our goal is to encourage all members of SFS to use their science to Inspire the public by sharing stories about the wonders of freshwater ecosystems; Inform stakeholders about the threats to and possibilities for future freshwater management and Insert our knowledge into real-time policy decisions, management actions, and technological innovations that will ultimately determine our freshwater future.

SFS 2017 Meeting Organizers
Program Chair: Mike Paul

Local Arrangements Chair:
Jim Hefferman (with help and oversight from Emily Bernhardt and Steve Thomas, President and Vice President)

Program Committee Members

Contributed Session Organizers
Geoff Poole and Wyatt Cross

Special Session Organizers
Amy Rosemond and Krista Capps

Local Arrangements Committee Members
Marcelo Ardón, Anne Hershey, Julie Demeester, Dave Penrose, Bob Hall, Brad Taylor, Joanna Blaszczak (as head of SRC), and Natalie Griffiths (head of Early Career group).

Conference Venue:

Raleigh Convention Center
500 S. Salisbury Street
Raleigh NC 27601

SUSE4 Information

The Fourth Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology (SUSE4; http://urbanstreams.wordpress.com) will be held in Browns Summit, NC from May 31-June 3, 2017, just prior to the 2017 Society for Freshwater Science annual meeting.

The theme of SUSE4 will be: Overcoming common barriers to catchment scale management and rehabilitation of urban streams through productive conversations among academics and professionals from the fields of stream ecology, engineering, management, planning, and the social sciences.

Through a highly interactive format, attendees will work in groups focused on a specific topic to work towards an actionable outcome that may include developing and implementing novel management approaches, developing new collaborations, and identifying research priorities and funding opportunities.

Important Deadlines -

The abstract deadline for poster presentations, case study presentations, and/or restoration vignettes (lightning talks) is March 20 (extended to March 26). Any questions, comments, or suggestions can be directed to Bob Smith at smithr@lycoming.edu or to any of the other co-organizers.

Including meals and housing, regular registration is $255-$345 and student registration is $205-$295 for the standard accommodation options for all 3 days if you meet the early-bird registration deadline of April 21.