Missile Launching


Location: Ogden Eccles Conference Center, 2415 Washington Blvd, Ogden, UT 84401-2315
Office: (866) 472-4627 or (801) 689-8600 / Fax: (801) 689-8651
Dress: Reception: Business Casual / Symposium: Business Suit

Wednesday, March 20
1800 – 2000 Registration and Reception
Dress: Business Casual
Thursday, March 21
0730 – 0830 Registration and Continental Breakfast
Dress: Business Suit
0830 – 0835 Administrative Announcements

Speaker: Ms. Aleigh Allred, Strategic Deterrent Coalition Volunteer
0835 – 0900 Welcome
Introduction: Joseph Connell, Executive Director, Strategic Deterrent Coalition

Mr. Stephen P. (Pat) Condon
Board of Directors, Utah Defense Alliance (UDA)
Mr. Joe Scallorns
President, Strategic Deterrent Coalition (SDC)
0900 – 0945 Strategic Systems: Modernizing an Indispensable Force
Introduction: Joe Scallorns (SDC)

Mr. Peter Fanta
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear,
Chemical and Biological Defense Programs
0945 – 1000 Break (Panel Set-up)
1000 – 1100 Community Partners – A Linchpin to Mission Success
Moderator: Lamberth Blalock (SDC)

Bruce Christianson – Minot 21
Tucker Fagan – Former CEO, Wyoming Business Council
Greg Frencken – Whiteman Area Leadership Council
Murray Viser – Barksdale Forward
Rick Hartle – Utah Defense Alliance
David Weissman – Montana Defense Alliance
1100 – 1130 Break
1130 – 1230 Lunch with Keynote Speaker
Subject: Ogden Air Logistics Complex and the Nuclear Enterprise
Introduction: Murray Viser (SDC)

Major General Stacey Hawkins
Commander, Ogden ALC
Hill AFB, UT
1230 – 1245 Break
1245 – 1330 Equities of Industrial Base Sustainment: State Perspectives
Introduction: Rick Hartle (UDA/SDC)

Mr. Benjamin Hart
Deputy Director, Governor’s Office of Economic Development
State of Utah
1330 – 1345 Break
1345 – 1430 20AF Commander – Community Partnerships
Introduction: David Weissman (SDC)

Major General Fred Stoss
Commander, 20AF
FE Warren AFB, Cheyenne, WY
1430 – 1500 Air Force Nuclear Weapon Center Perspectives
Introduction: Bruce Christianson (SDC)

Colonel George R. Farfour
Vice Commander, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center
Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M.
1500 – 1530 ICBM Modernization: Stewards Essential to Success
Introduction: Joseph Connell (SDC)

Colonel Jason Bartolomei
Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center
Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Senior Materiel Leader
Hill AFB, UT
1530 – 1545 Closing Comments and Scowcroft Awards Dinner Reminder

Joe Scallorns (SDC)
Angie Tymofichuk (AFA)