Dates coming soon |
9/25/2017 | 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM | Track 2 - Systems Engineering
V-PKI Hits the Highway
With the increasing prospects of deploying vehicular networks there are challenges and debates. Viable deployment models, different air interfaces, spectrum sharing issues and security and privacy concerns are among the most topical issues of industry debate. This talks present a condensed account of the 10-year effort to develop and deploy vehicular public-key infrastructure (V-PKI) as a security infrastructure for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) intelligent transportations systems (ITS). An examination of the Secure Credential Management System (SCMS) will highlight the ways in which government, industry, and academia have converged to secure the promise of vehicular networks as ITS emerges as a reality of the 21st century. A case study of the current US Department of Transportation’s Connected Vehicle Pilot will be the focus of the tutorial. Topics will also include the IEEE 1609 WAVE (Wireless Access to Vehicular Environments) and commercial challenges facing enterprise V-PKI deployment.
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Tim Weil (Primary Presenter), Alcohol Monitoring Systems (AMS),;
Tim Weil is a Senior Member of the IEEE and Security Editor for IT Professional magazine (IEEE). In the areas of Vehicular Networks his work includes the IEEE 1609 (WAVE) standards, US DOT VII/Intellidrive and Connected Vehicle programs, author and speaker on topics in Security for Vehicular Networks. His interests include “Service Management for Vehicular Networks Using WAVE. (IEEE 1609) Protocols” and topics related to the PKI models for implementing IEEE 1609.2 (WAVE Security). Mr. Weil is an industry-certified security professional (CISSP/CCSP, CISA, PMP), past chair of the IEEE Denver Communication Society Chapter and maintains the ‘Security for Automotive Networks’ research portal for international ITS programs.