S28: Reframing the Science of Urbanized Headwater Streams
Moderator: Rebecca Hale
S20:Emerging Approaches to Modeling Population and Community Dynamics in Fresh Waters
Moderator: Jonathan Tonkin
C21: Communicating Science
Moderator: Ralph Ogden
S03: Death and Decomposition in Aquatic Ecosystems
Moderator: Eric Benbow
C04: Microbial Ecology
Moderator: Lee Stanish
C10: Biogeochemistry
Moderator: Maury Valett
C05: Unionid Ecology
Moderator: David Zanatta
C14: Hydroecology
Moderator: Ben Abbott
C06: Large River Ecology
Moderator: Alexander Reisinger
S08: Re-eutrophication of Lake Erie: Causes, consequences, and possible solutions
Moderator: Silvia Newell
S14: Crossing Brook Trout Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Salvelinus fontinalis Research, Management, and Outreach
Moderator: Emma Lundberg